What’s going on with the real estate market?

The number one question I get from new and past clients is always related to timing. My answer will always depend more on your long and short term goals than the actual market itself. Real Estate is not a one size fits all and neither are you. So just because your neighbor just sold, or your friend just bought a house, or the rates dropped doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the right time for you and that’s mote than perfectly okay. Everyones goals and story are different. I think that’s what attracted me to this field to begin with, the ever changing beauty of the human equation. Nothing remains the same forever. Not you. Not me. Not the market.

There’s a few important things to consider and yes of course interest rates and down payment are important but they are only the start. There are other things like supply, demand, and current loan programs to name just a few. But the in my opinion one of the most important things to consider when buying selling or investing in real estate is your mental health. Ask yourself is buying, selling or investing in this opportunity going to affect you negatively, positively or maybe you’re just not sure. If it’s going to be a change for the better, or something your future self will thank you for, let’s talk. If you’re still not sure, that’s okay too, let’s still talk, we will figure it out together.

Life will never be perfect. There will always be a srt of challenges and obstacles. It’s less these things and more how we react to them that ultimately have the greatest impact. Goes back to that whole dancing in the rain quote.

Find yourself the right real estate coach. Someone who is brutally honest. My friends have described me as having an iron fist under a velvet glove. You want someone who isn’t going to sugar coat things, but will instead listen, present options, give you a fresh perspective on your goal. That’s how you know you are working with the right person.


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